The things you can accomplish with the Health & Wellbeing Management App Best-You
Improve Health & Wellbeing
Population health management/behaviour change – Best-You is holistic, we de-silo and join up all lifestyle habits.

Integrated Case Management
Support means you no longer need multiple systems to manage all of your services. The Best-You CRM is a fully functioning, health & wellbeing management software for multi provider public health systems.

Hybrid Coach & Digital Support
Today, many organisations are accelerating digital-first in order to engage with residents and place. Hybrid digital and face to face interactions are up to 30% more successful than purely digital and exclusively physical user experience.

Support Chat Virtually
Just like WhatsApp our health & wellbeing record app Best-You, now has a Best-You chat app supports coach to service user chat to help them stay on track, confidential and data safe.

Interoperability – API
Best-You is open source and our data sharing is built on Government protocols, we believe the Best-You data must help design and drive the right series at the right places at the right time.

It’s the actions we undertake to look after ourselves physically, emotionally and mentally. Best-You is built as a digital companion to help every individual in achieving these three pillars of wellbeing and it uses the strongest and latest behavioural science. In health care, self-care is any necessary human regulatory function which is under individual control, deliberate and self-initiated. Some place self-care on a continuum with health care providers at the opposite end to self-care while Best-You understand it as a more complex relationship.

Single Front Door
Best-You offers a single digital front door, think amazon marketplace, Best-You acts as a path finder enabling service engagement and social prescribing.

Social Movement
Best-You has campaign microsites and tools ready to help you run campaigns. You will gain an understanding of your population and get them started on the health and wellbeing improvement journeys.

All in one place Lifestyle Management
We don’t live our lives in silos. Science and research evidences that we don’t want our health and care siloed, Best-You supports every user to manage their lifestyle habits including… Activity, Healthy Eating, Weight Management, Reducing Alcohol, Smoking Cessation, Mental Health, Sleep Improvement & Hydration all in one place. On average a Best-You user manages 2.6 lifestyle habits, eg: “weight and activity”, “smoking, weight and alcohol”.

Long Term Conditions Management
Best-You provides four major long term conditions areas, where users can record key health data and share health indicators whilst seamlessly managing their lifestyle habits that have such an impact on their LTC management. The conditions you can manage are Diabetes, COPD, Mental Health, CAMHS and Asthma and viral wheeze. We also have educational spaces for Cancer and Heart Age.

Features that enable the functionality
Features are the tools to help you accomplish…
CRM – Best-You Customer Relationship Management
The Best-You CRM turns your data into High-Value Information. Allowing you to make better decisions, drive more outcomes and effectiveness.

Best-You is a white label digital system. We have national versions, branded as One-You, and local versions like our partner West Cheshire CCG and their “Ownlife” version of Best-You.

Goal Setting & Tracking
Are two important ways of increasing a person’s capability, (their confidence and competence to take action). Goal setting and tracking give you proven measures of change in tackling life style habits, improving population health and well-being.

The Best-You diary helps users set reminders for appointments, medication and other important things. It will link with other diaries eg: Google and Outlook.

Best Days Reminders
Works like a diary that focuses on eating, activity and alcohol. It’s built to support a minimum of 2 alcohol free days, healthy eating in the week and activity 3-4 days a week, to achieve your 180 minutes a week. The user can set the date and time for reminders that are sent in the app, via email and SMS.

EMIS Button
Imagine a GP in consultation and they want to get their overweight or lonely patient onto Best-You but they don’t have time in 10 mins, the EMIS button is one click and the account is set up, an email or text sent to the patient and the data shared on progress. Seamless, no leaving the GP system.

Service Locater
Around me is a feature that brings all your “DOS” directories of service into one searchable place. Making it easy for an ICP or PCN to support their population to find services and voluntary support quickly.

We know social isolation is a big challenge and safe digital is part of the solution, friends on Best-You is by invite only, so you can find a name and invite them to connect.

The groups on Best-You allow for peer support and group collaboration to support and achieve the things that matter, we have fully open groups and private groups, anyone can set groups up and design them to suit.

Social Prescribing
The combination of Around Me, Groups and the CRM means that you can not only deliver social prescribing and manage the network of community and primary care teams you can show the changes in behaviours and real outcomes

Pledge Campaign
We know the power of pledging, Best-You has a pledge microsite, ask your population to make pledges and they are automatically invited to make a Best-You user account to set goals against their pledge and track results, behaviour change evidenced all in one place.

Heart Age Campaign
Best-You offers the NHS Choices heart age tool, built in to a campaign. Your population does not need a Best-You account, simply launch a campaign people type in their data, like weight, height, age and social demographic. If they know their cholesterol and blood pressure they are able to get their heart age. They are then invited to join Best-You and set some goals aimed at reducing or maintaining their heart age, giving you live data and behaviour change evidence from your health check and health intervention campaigns.